
About Richa Das

Richa is a Transpersonal Hypnotherapist, Reiki Grandmaster and Akashic Records Healer . She is an ex-banker with 15 years of Investment and transaction banking experience with top most banks such as JP Morgan (3 years) and Deutsche Bank (11 years). In midst of the hustle bustle of climbing the corporate ladder, she felt a strong need to fulfill her life's purpose in the area of healing.

This arena had held a strong fascination for her since youth. She became a Reiki healer when she was 18 years old. Her interest in Hypnotherapy was crystallised by Dr Brian Weiss’s book – Many Lives, Many Masters.

She had questions about Life and its purpose which led her to continue her to study Reiki, Neuro Linguistic Programming and Hypnotherapy. She has acquired specialisation in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Life between Lives Spiritual Regression, Past Life Regression and Inner Child Work and Akashic Records Healing. She has recently started consulting for Bach Flower remedies as well.

She teaches Reiki and Akashic Records with the same passion that she brings to Life

Her ethos in life comes from this paradigm from Pierre De Chardin - " We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience."

She is passionate about hand crafting jewellery with Reiki infused semi precious crystals which she retails through her facebook page: Samairah's Blessings. She is an avid painter and dancing gives her feet wings.

Richa Das


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